Serving in American Units During Revolutionary War
McCormick Side
Francis McCormick 1734 VA great^5 grandfatherJohn McCormick 1754 VA great^4 grandfather DAR pdf of original graveFrancis McCormick Jr 1764 VA great^4 granduncle Book Chapter GravestoneGeorge McCormick 1742 great^5 granduncleMoses McCormick 1758 first cousin six times removedJoseph Yard Provance, born 1764 VA First cousin 6 times removedHenry Straight, born 1763 RI great^3 granduncleJoshua Straight, born 1758 RI great^3 granduncleJacob Krider born 1755 PA great^4 granduncleWilliam McCoy 1754 PA From book on History of Fayette Co PA. great^5 grandfather graveFrederick Royse 1750 PA great^5 granduncle brother-in-law to Wm McCoyGeorge Bruce 1760 VA First cousin 7 times removedSamuel Job 1753 Pay Voucher Land Warrant. great^5 grandfather gravestoneAlexander Reed, born 1748 in PA?; died Jul 1816 in Rockbridge, VA. great^5 grandfatherAbsalom Littell, Private 1751 Continental. great^5 grandfather gravestoneBenjamin Corsa DeCoursey Racer 1752 PA. great^4 grandfather
William DeCoursey 1756 NC great^4 granduncle
Jesse Conover NJ abt 1765 great^5 granduncle
William Drennen Pa 1762 great^4 granduncle (substitute for drafted father Samuel Drennen)
James Drennen Pa 1752 great^5 granduncle (brother of Samuel Drennen)
Thomas Drennen Pa 1755 great^5 granduncle (brother of Samuel Drennen)
Vail Side
Lemuel Sargent born MA served NH/VT. Story great^5 grandfatherJames Ervin 1750 Maryland Line, great^5 grandfatherBenajah Stone 1758 CT. great^4 grandfather GravestoneNathan Chittenden b: 19 Oct 1757 2nd cousin 6 times removed
Benjamin Chittenden b: abt 1754 First cousin 7 times removed
Asahel Hotchkiss 1760 great^4 granduncle History of New Milford CTCol. Samuel Canfield 1726 CT great^5 granduncle grave And his sons Philo and IthamarWilliston West bef 1756 NY. great^4 grandfatherBenjamin Bosworth ~1754 MA great^5 grandfather 1840 CensusBenjamin Bridge 1748 New Jersey great^5 grandfather graveLewis Dunham, born Bef. 1748 great^5 grandfather.George Hellyer 1754 PA. great^5 grandfather
David Avery, b.MA, served MA, great^5 grandfather
Solomon Vail, 1743 NJ served VA 2nd cousin 7 times removed
Henry Vail 1754 NJ 2nd cousin 7 times removed gravestone
Benjamin Scudder 1733 NY great^7 grandfather gravestone
Capt.Matthias Potter 1741 NJ great^6 grandfather Grave
Benjamin Brookfield 1723 NJ great^6 grandfather & sons Jacob Bookfield and Brown Brookfield great^5 granduncles
brother Jacob Brookfield 1722 NJ died in service Jan 2, 1782
Lt. John Wheeler 1750 NC great^5 grandfather married Henry Clark's daughter Susannah
Capt. Benjamin Clark 1757 NC/SC great^5 granduncle, Susannah Clark's sister, John Wheeler's Captain
Col. Henry Clark 1732 NJ/NC great^6 grandfather
Serving in King's Units During Revolutionary War
Vail Side
William Mills, great^6 grandfatherHis obituary in an early Hendersonville newspaper in 1834 states: "William Mills, son of Ambrose and Mourning Mills, immigrants to the U.S. from England; born on James River, Va.,Nov. 19, 1746, moved to Wateree, S.C., where in 1763 he married Eleanor Morris; later moved to Green River,Rutherford County (Polk County); a participant at King's Mountain, Cowpens andNinety-Six (Tory participant); the first white man to cross the Blue Ridge into what is now HendersonCounty; moved to Buncombe County in 1788; died Nov. 10, 1834."